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The Cause


The Solution

There are two core fears that everyone has:

  • Fear of not being good enough (Fear of Failure)

  • Fear that our life may not being good enough  (Fear of Loss)

When these fears are strong enough, they destroy self-esteem and keep us from finding the joy we are meant to have in this life.

These fears create defensiveness and eventually lead to bad behavior.  The following behaviors may be signs of fear in our life:

  • Critical of others

  • Blame others for everything

  • Act superior to mask our fear

  • Afraid to try new things for fear of failing

  • Get defensive or offended easily

  • Talk too much 

  • Need to be in control

  • Perfectionist

  • Hoarder

  • Doormat

  • Victim/Martyr mentality

The solution would be to eliminate those fears and gain clarity in our relationships, confidence in our actions and abilities and exhibit better behavior.

The first step to accomplishing those goals would be to identify where fear might be showing up in your life and your relationships.  The "Hartman Values Profile" assessment will give us an accurate picture of where you might be reacting from a place of fear instead of acting from a place of trust and love.



Take the FREE Fear Assessment and your results will be emailed to you immediately.  I will then contact you to set up a FREE 20-30 minute consultation about the results of your assessment.

Our time tested and very effective 12 session coaching program, based on simplified applied psychology and science and grounded in the principles of the Gospel, will help you to:

  • Discover subconscious policies

  • Rewrite policies that are not serving you well

  • Learn the tools necessary to act from a position of trust and love instead of reacting from a position of fear

  • Respect yourself and others from a position of strength, love, maturity and wisdom

  • Communicate in a way that is mutually validating for both parties

  • Have the confidence needed to move forward trusting yourself

  • Create actions motivated by love, not fear

  • Make choices that will help you live in the moment with clarity

  • See others clearly and create healthy relationships

  • Create the life you want

With me as your coach, you will:

  • Gain knowledge of your infinite and absolute value

  • Think of life as a classroom, not a test

  • Overcome the fears of failure and loss

  • Build great relationships with those you love

  • Improve your use of time and talents

  • Practice principles of trust, love and acceptance

  • Gain personal power by learning to trust God and yourself

  • Develop the self-esteem necessary to move forward with your goals and desires

  • Avoid carrying responsibilities that are not yours

  • Develop great communication skills that validate both parties

  • Accept "what is" with gratitude and joy

Our work

The Coaching Process

​Once you  have taken the FREE Fear Assessment, your results will be sent to you via email immediately.   I will contact you and set up a FREE 20-30 minute consultation to discuss the results of your assessment.






​If you would like to TRY a session before committing to the full program, we will set up an appointment where you can experience the power of the Claritypoint Life Coaching Program!


​After the first session, decide between:


Small Group Coaching 

  • Groups include 4 - 6  people

  • ​Meet via conference call every other week

  • ​Sessions last between 1.5 - 2 hours

  • Daily assignments to solidify principles learned

  • ​Make new friends

  • ​The most inexpensive way to experience coaching

Executive Life Coaching

  • ​​​One-on-one coaching with Coach Debbie Kelly

  • ​Meet every week via phone call

  • ​Sessions last between 1 - 1.5 hours

  • ​Daily assignments to solidify concepts and principles

  • ​Gain rock-solid self-esteem, communication and relationship skills, time management, motivation repair

  • Fear management

  • ​Custom fit to your specific needs and schedule​



has been coaching, counseling, teaching and mentoring others through correct Gospel principles for over 40 years. She has the gift of "bottom-lining" problems, cutting through the haze, and helping to find the simplest and clearest application of eternal truths. 

Coach Debbie Kelly


Get in Touch!


Why do I feel so discouraged and overwhelmed when I:

  • have the fullness of the gospel

  • try to keep the commandments

  • have righteous desires

  • have made and kept sacred covenants

  • try to be a good person

The problem lies in our inability to see clearly.

Common Spiritual "Sight" Problems

  • Nearsighted – We focus on our own ideas and viewpoints and miss the “bigger picture”.  We can be so focused on our own faults that we experience discouragement and depression.  Or we can be so focused on other’s weaknesses that we become judgmental and critical.

  • Farsighted -  Our focus is on the ultimate prize – Celestial Glory - to the exclusion of dealing with current relationships, situations and day-to-day tasks and challenges.

  • Astigmatism – We become so overwhelmed with all the demands in our life, we fail to see anything clearly. Everything is a blur as we rush through life, activities, assignments and relationships without really focusing on anything.

  • Glaucoma – There can be build-up of pressure from unanswered questions, misinformation, unrepented sins of omission and/or commission, or feelings of being offended.  Eventually it damages our relationship with the Holy Ghost that carries personal revelation from Father in Heaven to us. This results in “tunnel vision” as we lose awareness of our own faults and the needs of others.

  • Macular Degeneration – This is a failure to care for the “central” issues of our own spiritual health. We begin looking to others to provide the validation we lack. A lack of healthy spiritual self-care results in our inability to show up for others, move forward with confidence and find balance in our life.

  • Detached Retina –This occurs when a person becomes separated from the underlying supportive structure of the Spirit, the Church and fellow members. People thrive on healthy relationships and flounder when detached and isolated. Warning signs:     

                   Lack of Church attendance                                                     

                   Avoiding callings     

                   Distancing oneself from the  Church

                   Testimony may become hazy

                   One can  begin to doubt things that were once clear helps you see yourself and your life accurately so you                     have more "Joy in the Journey". 2017

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